Al Dua’a

Al Dua’a

Contemplating the words of Al Azkar in the morning and evening increases the heart’s strength and faith.Consider, for example, a male: O Allah, I have become your witness and bearers of your throne, your angels and all your creation, that you are God, there is no god but you alone, you have no partner, and that Muhammad is your servant and your messenger, peace be upon him.

Try to repeat it with your heart before your tongue.

Are you imagining what is the meaning of the word (I witness you)?!Shall I witness the campaign of your throne?!And your angels?!And all your creation?!What do you witness to them?That you are God.O God!!!!! By God, invoking this meaning will remove all your problems, even if they are great.And its completeness is that Muhammad, peace be upon him, is your servant, and this is the highest position to be described in, which is servitude, and he is the master of the children of Adam; Then your messenger to complete the communication about God ﷻ